【Young – adult Fiction】
Young – adult fiction = Juvenile fiction
Teacher’s number: 11001
《week 1》
Orientation (noun)
*the particular things that a person prefers, believes, thinks, or usually does*
Ori- begin, start
Origin, orientation …
l 3Q= Quest
l 6P= Potential
- 1. What is that?
- 2. What is that for?
- 3. What is that going to do with me?
《4 basic questions》
- 1. Who am I?
- 2. What is my place in the universe?
- 3. What would I do if I were the protagonist/antagonist in the story?
- 4. Do I like the story? Why or why not? Which episode or character interests me the most and why?
Life/Death, Dream/Adventure, Love/Lost
《Course Objectives》
l Young adult literature
l The Assembly on literature for Adolescents
- 1. Problem novel
- 2. Initiation and Quest (Journey)
- 3. Bildungsroman
- 4. Fantasy/Adventure (genre)
- 5. Detective fiction
《Fiction Genre》
l Character
l Plot
l Setting
l Theme
l Style
Hugo: the Whole world is a garden
Allie’s baseball mitt: The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.