1: diagram [dahy-uh-gram]
“A simple drawing or plan that shows exactly where something is, what something looks like, or how something works.”
A diagram of the machine shows what each part is called.
2: alphabetical [al-fuh-bet-i-kuh l]
“Relating to the alphabet”
The files are arranged in alphabetical order.
3: grind [grahynd]
“To break something such as corn or coffee beans into small pieces or powder, either in a machine or between two hard surfaces”
We bought double ground meat for a hamburger.
4: multiply [muhl-tee-plahy, muhl-tahy-]
“To do a calculation in which you add a number to itself a particular number of times”
Children will learn to multiply in the second grade.
5: extrapolate [ik-strap-uh-leyt]
“To use facts about the present or about one thing or group to make a guess about the future or about other things or groups”
It’s possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends.
6: analyze [an-l-ahyz]
“To examine or think about something carefully, in order to understand it”
She still needs to analyze the data.
7: drill [dril]
“To make a hole in something using a drill”
He accidentally drilled into a water pipe.
8: operate [op-uh-reyt]
“To use and control a machine or equipment”
This coffee machine isn’t operating properly.
9: classify [klas-uh-fahy]
“To decide what group something belongs to”
In law, beer is classified as a food product.
10: subtract [suh b-trakt]
“To make a number or an amount from a larger number or amount”
If you subtract 30 from 45, you get 15.
11: outline [out-lahyn]
“To describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details”
The new president outlined plans to deal with crime, drugs, and education.
12: cave [keyv]
“A large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or under the ground”
The adventurer stand the entrance to a cave.
13: demonstrate [dem-uh n-streyt]
“To show or prove something clearly”
The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
14: predict [pri-dikt]
“To say that something will happen, before it happens”
The radio news report predicts snow today.
15: bisect [bahy-sekt, bahy-sekt; bahy-sekt]
“Formal to divide something into two equal parts”
A long cobbled street dissects the town from east to west.
16: specify [spes-uh-fahy]
“To state something in an exact and detailed way”
Payments will be made for a specified number of months.
17: deduce [dih-doos, -dyoos]
“To use the knowledge and information you have in order to understand something or form an opinion about it”
From her son’s age, I deduce that her husband must be at least 60.
18: solve [solv]
“To find or provide a way of dealing with a problem”
I cannot solve those problems.
19: indicate [in-di-keyt]
“To show exists or that something is likely to be true”
Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me.
20: convert [kuh n-vurt; kon-vurt]
“To change something into a different form of thing, or to change something so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way”
They converted the spare bedroom into an office.
21: verbalize [vur-buh-lahyz]
“To express something in words”
Urge your child to verbalize his feeling.
22: square [skwair]
“Having four straight equal sides and 90°angles at the corners”
Our teacher said ‘First of all, draw a square’
23: manipulate [muh-nip-yuh-leyt]
“To make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skilfully deceiving or influencing them”
He was one of those men who manipulated people.
24: taboo [tuh-boo, ta-]
“Subject, word, activity, etc is one that people avoid because it is extremely offensive or embarrassing”
Rape is a taboo subjective.
25: grasp [grasp, grahsp]
“To take and hold something firmly”
I grasped the rope so as not to fall.