
Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson


Success is counted sweetest

Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne'er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.


Not one of all the purple Host

Who took the Flag today

Can tell the definition

So clear of Victory


As he defeated--dying--

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of triumph

Burst agonized and clear!

(By Emily Dickinson)




Charlotte’s Web


P. 77

l   Miracle

l   Miraculous

l   Some pig


P. 79

l   Mutter = whisper: speak in a low pitch or voice


P. 82

l   Sermon: long speech


P. 91

l   Sensational


P. 99

l   “With New Radiant Action”


P. 100

l   “Keep your knees straight and touch the ground with your ears ”

l   I feel radiant.


P. 104

l   Lull

l   Lullaby


P. 109

l   Spin a web

l   Spin a wheel

l   Old spinster


P. 139

l   Leftovers


P. 182

l   Three kids: Joy, Aranea, Nellie

l   Wilbur describes Charlotte: Brilliant, beautiful, loyal


P. 184

l   True friends and a good writer so as E. B White


Miss Potter

Cast your spell

When you taught me how to dance



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