  1. 1.                        Manipulative (adjective)

*clever at controlling or deceiving people to get what you want used in order to show disapproval*

She was sly, selfish, and manipulative.


  1. 2.                        Wink (verb)

*to close and open one eye quickly to communicate something or show that something is a secret or joke*

He winked mischievously at Erica.


  1. 3.                        Underdog (noun)

*a person, team that is weaker than the others, is always expected to be unsuccessful, and that is often treated badly*

This victory pulled the underdog team within sight of a medal.


  1. 4.                        Rival (noun)

*a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight*

This gives the company a competitive advantage over its rivals.


  1. 5.                        Triumph (noun)

*an important victory or success after a difficult struggle*

Winning the championship is a great personal triumph.


  1. 6.                        Opponent (noun)

*someone who you try to defeat in a competition, game, fight, or argument*

I would rather give in to an opponent than start a fight.


  1. 7.                        Cosmopolitan (adjective)

*a cosmopolitan place has people from many different parts of the world*

He is a politician with a cosmopolitan outlook.


  1. 8.                        Dishonest (adjective)

*not honest, and so deceiving or cheating people*

People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy or dishonest.


  1. 9.                        Sin (noun)

*an action that is against religious rules and is considered to be an offence against God*

She needed to confess her sins and ask for forgiveness.


  1. 10.                    Justification (noun)

*a good and acceptable reason for doing something*

There is no justification for holding her in jail.


  1. 11.                    Sanctify (verb)

*to make something seem morally right or acceptable or to give something official approval*

The church doesn’t sanctify gay marriage.


  1. 12.                    Monotheism (noun) ←→ Polytheism

*the belief that there is only one God*

It no longer has the purpose to train clergyman for a particular sect; it has become a faculty where students can study monotheism together with various religions.


  1. 13.                    Theism (noun)

*the belief in the existence of God*

In that sense, evolution is quite compatible with theism a faith in God.


  1. 14.                    Pantheism (noun)

*the religious idea that God and the universe are one thing and that God is present in all nature*

It is a religion based on pantheism.


  1. 15.                    Deism (noun)

*the belief in a God who made the world but has no influence on human lives*

It is a theory, called deism.


  1. 16.                    Polytheism (noun) ←→ Monotheism

*the belief that there is more than one God*

Even at present, some sects of Buddhism deny the existence of deities and polytheism.


  1. 17.                    Incarnation (noun)

*the state of living in the form of a particular person or animal. According to some religions, people have several different incarnations*

She believes she was an Egyptian.


  1. 18.                    Resuscitate (verb)

*to make someone breathe again or become conscious after they have almost died*

Doctors managed to resuscitate him,


  1. 19.                    Aggressive (adjective)

*behaving in an angry, threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone*

Teachers apparently expect a certain amount of aggressive behavior from boys.


  1. 20.                    Persistent (adjective)

*continuing to do something, although this is difficult, or other people warn you not to do it*

If she had not been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.


  1. 21.                    Irrational (adjective)

*not based on clear thought or reason*

He is becoming increasingly irrational.


  1. 22.                    Sentimental (adjective)

*someone who is sentimental is easily affected by emotions such as love, sympathy, sadness, often in a way that seems silly to other people*

She said a sentimental goodbye.


  1. 23.                    Extrovert (noun)

*someone who is active and confident, and who enjoys spending time with other people*

Her sister was always more of an extrovert.


  1. 24.                    Hysterical (adjective)

*unable to control your behavior or emotions because you are very upset, afraid, excited*

Everyone in the studio burst into hysterical laughter.


  1. 25.                    Pebble (noun)

*a small smooth stone found especially on a beach or on the bottom of a river*

The beach was covered with smooth white pebbles.


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